Combat Air Travel Dry Eye: Effective Prevention and Relief Tips

Hey there, jet-setters and globe-trotters! Do your eyes often feel like they"ve had a bout with a mini sandstorm after a long flight? If yes, then sit tight, because I"m about to spill the tea on one of the less glamorous parts of air travel-dry eye. Whether you're a first-class flier or a budget-seat professional, we"ve got some juicy info that could very well be your ticket to soothing those peepers. And trust me, it's pretty eye-opening.

First up, let's talk about why our eyes decide to go all desert on us when we're cruising at 35,000 feet. Cabin air isn't exactly what you"d call "moisture-rich." In fact, it's pretty darn dry, and this can zap the moisture right out of your eyes faster than you can say "complimentary peanuts."

Plus, if you're an avid window-seater, staring out at that vast blue skyline for hours without blinking much (because who wants to miss a cloud that looks like a bunny?), can also make your eyes throw a dryness tantrum.


Picture this: you're inside a metal tube, soaring high above the clouds, with the air recirculating like there's no tomorrow. The humidity is super low, which means the air is thirstier than a marathon runner for whatever little moisture it can get, including the tear film of your eyes.

Spoiler alert: that insatiable air will win most moisture tug-o-wars.


Now let's chat about your in-flight screen time. Watching back-to-back movies or squinting at spreadsheets on your laptop doesn't just tire your mind, but also tires out your eyes. And then, there's the constant battle with contact lenses if you wear them. They often say, nope, not playing nice and add to the whole dryness fiasco.

And we haven't even started on the AC drafts that can feel as if they are blow-drying your corneas.


Frequent flying can mess with your sleep and confuse your body clock. This lack of rest can affect tear production and lead to symptoms of dry eye. It's like your eyes are also jet-lagged, and they aren't happy about it.

So, what can be done to calm your tearless, travel-weary eyes? Read on, weary traveler!

Queue the superhero music, because I"m about to introduce you to something that can rescue your eyes from the dry spell of doom. It's called the iTEAR100, and it's changing the game for dry eyes one nose-touch at a time. Yes, you read that right-it works with just a gentle touch to your schnoz.

This nifty little gadget stimulates your body's natural ability to conjure up tears. That's right, no more relying on artificial eye drops that you probably forget at home anyway. It's FDA-cleared, fits in your pocket, and can be used pretty much anywhere (yes, even in that squeezy airplane seat).


The iTEAR100 does some sort of technological voodoo that gently nudges the nerves accessible from the outside of your nose. These nerves then send a signal to your brain, which in turn tells your tear glands to get to work. And voila-natural tear production kicks in!

It's drug-free, which means you won't have to worry about any weird side-effects, other than maybe becoming emotionally attached to a tear-producing device.


All it takes is about 5 seconds with the device touching the side of your nose to summon the tear production cavalry. No mess, no fuss, just sweet, sweet eye moisture on demand. Whether you're waiting at the gate or trapped in the middle aisle seat, relief is literally at your fingertips.

And since it's so portable, you'll never need to stare down a dry-eye episode without backup ever again.


We get it, doctors" appointments can be a drag, but not to worry-we"ve made it super simple. You can bang out a virtual appointment in no time to see if the iTEAR100 is right for you. No waiting rooms, no outdated magazines, just you, your potential new best friend (the iTEAR100, that is), and a doctor on your screen.

Once you"ve got your prescription, you can order the device and have it delivered straight to your door. How's that for service?

Okay, picture your typical travel checklist: Passport? Check. Snacks? Check. Way to keep your eyes from feeling like the Sahara? Check that too-thanks to the iTEAR100!

Let's be honest, traveling is stressful enough without having to deal with uncomfortable eyes. And the best part about this little gadget is that it's so darn compact, you'll hardly even notice it's there until you need it.


No more carrying around eye drop bottles that inevitably erupt in your bag at the least opportune moment. The iTEAR100 offers a no-mess solution that keeps your liquid quota down for those pesky security checks.

Its sleek design means it will fit right in with your travel essentials, taking up no more room than your favorite pen.


Ever have your phone die at just the wrong time? Well, you won't have to worry about that with the iTEAR100. It has a battery life that's built to last. So, you can go from airport to meeting to sightseeing without a single dry-eyed hiccup in sight.

Just think of it as the little engine that could...for your eyes.


With the iTEAR100 by your side, you can navigate time zones, layovers, and cramped conditions without your eyes throwing in the towel. It's like having a little piece of home comfort no matter how far you're roaming.

And isn't that just what every traveler wants?

Stop Your Dry Eye Now.

You're here because you have eye irritation or dryness, right? Well, you can stop having that problem. The iTear100 stops your dry eye in just seconds per use, AND you'll need it less as you use it! Click the image above - get relief now, and finally be free of dry eye issues for good!

Stop Your Dry Eye Now.

You're here because you have eye irritation or dryness, right? Well, you can stop having that problem. The iTear100 stops your dry eye in just seconds per use, AND you'll need it less as you use it! Click the image above - get relief now, and finally be free of dry eye issues for good!

Now, let's get real for a sec. Dry eyes might sound like small potatoes, but if you"ve ever experienced it, you know it's no laughing matter. It can range from being mildly annoying to downright disruptive. And since your eyes are basically your guide dogs through life, it's super important to keep them happy.

So what should you be on the lookout for? Glad you asked!


Are your eyes feeling itchy or gritty, like you"ve got an eyelash that's just having a field day in there? Or maybe they're red and angry, like they're plotting to make you miserable. These are classic symptoms of dry eye.

If your eyes feel fatigued or sensitive to light, that's another red flag. Or if you're tearing up for no reason, like watching paint dry suddenly gets you emotional-that's your eyes crying for help (literally).


Feeling like you're blinking through a sandstorm isn't something you should just brush off. If these symptoms have become your new norm, it's time to chat with a health professional.

Because let's face it, your eyes deserve to be as pampered as the rest of you, especially when you're on the go.


Look, I"m not trying to scare you, but ignoring dry eye isn't like ignoring a bad haircut-it won't just go away on its own. Over time, chronic dry eye can lead to more serious complications, such as increased risk of eye infections or damage to the eye's surface. Not cute!

That's why nipping it in the bud with something like the iTEAR100 is such a brilliant move.

Travel is supposed to be about snapping breathtaking photos (for the "gram, am I right?), exploring new foods (bring on the street tacos!), and making memories-not about battling dry, uncomfortable eyes. So, let's talk strategies to keep your eyes as refreshed as your travel spirit.

First tip: hydrate like it's your job. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight. Your whole body, including your eyes, will thank you big time.


Try to steer clear of direct AC drafts. This might mean snagging a seat away from those pesky overhead vents on a plane. And while you're at it, pack a nice eye mask and aim to catch some Z"s. Sleep keeps your eyes nice and moist.

Recline that seat (politely!), shut those peepers, and drift off to dreamland.


Remember how binge-watching all six seasons of your favorite show in one sitting left you feeling? Your eyeballs felt the same, fam. Take regular breaks from screens, even when inflight entertainment beckons. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

And blink! It's like giving your eyes a mini spa treatment.


If you're a lens-wearer, consider switching to glasses during a flight, or at least make sure to keep your lenses super moisturized. Contacts tend to make the whole dry-eye ordeal even more... well, dry.

Respect your peepers, and they'll respect you back with clear, comfortable vision.

We"ve all been there: dropping eye drops into our eyes, only to miss and have them roll down our cheeks. Or carrying around those tiny vials that are basically one sneeze away from being lost forever. But in come the iTEAR100, swooping in like the eye-care hero we never knew we needed.

Why mess around with artificial tears when you can stimulate your body to produce the real deal?


Pop quiz: What's easier-fumbling with eye drops mid-turbulence or simply pressing a button? With iTEAR100, there's no contest. It's user-friendly, small, and so simple to use, you could likely do it with your eyes closed (though I wouldn't recommend it).

Meanwhile, your dropper bottles are probably begging for retirement. Give "em a break!


Eye drops can provide some instant gratification, sure, but they often require reapplication like, a lot. The iTEAR100, on the other hand, stimulates your body's ability to moisturize those eyeballs on its own. It's the difference between a short-term fix and a sustainable solution.

So why not choose the gift that keeps on giving?


Let's not ignore the elephant in the room-chemical ingredients. With drops, you're often introducing foreign substances into your eyes. The iTEAR100 keeps it all-natural by just giving your tear production a gentle nudge.

No mystery chemicals, no preservatives-just pure, unadulterated tears of joy (and comfort).

You, my friend, were meant to soar the skies with your eyes wide open, taking in all the clouds shaped like puppies and sunsets that make you want to wax poetic. Don't let something like dry eye put a damper on that.

Mask up, buckle in, and make the iTEAR100 your trusty travel sidekick. It's ready to go whenever you are, ensuring your adventure is clear-sighted every step of the way.


The world is waiting for you, so why spend one more moment worrying about dry, uncomfortable eyes? Whether you're a jet-setting business mogul or a wanderlusting backpacker, the iTEAR100 fits every lifestyle and travel plan.

Open your eyes to the possibilities-and actually be able to see them!


Getting started with the iTEAR100 couldn't be easier. With a streamlined online doctor's appointment process, having your own pocket-sized beacon of eye comfort is just a few clicks away. Ready to feel like the MVP of air travel? Yeah, we thought so.

And remember, although we're talking about travel today, the iTEAR100 is perfect for everyday use too. Dry eye, meet your match-no matter the altitude.


No more itching, redness, or constantly buying expensive eye drops. The iTEAR100 device is like bringing the best part of your eye-care routine along for the ride. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your flight (or drive, or train ride)-you"ve got this.

Make sure to pack your iTEAR100 right alongside your passport-because it's officially a travel necessity.

It's time to wave goodbye to the days of dodgy in-flight discomfort and say hello to a new era of bright-eyed travels. This isn't just another gadget-it's your personal dry eye conquering hero, all wrapped up in a sleek, TSA-friendly package.

Trust me, once you join the fresh-eyed flyer club, there's no going back. With the iTEAR100, you're signing up for a lifetime of comfortable, hydrated vision-no matter where your travels might take you.


If you're nodding your head thinking, Yes, that's me! I"m so ready! then you're in the right place. Imagine dealing with dry eye as easily as flicking on the overhead light. That's the kind of simplicity and effectiveness the iTEAR100 brings to the table (or tray table, in this case).

Why wait for discomfort to knock on your door mid-flight when you can proactively kick it to the curb?


Think of the iTEAR100 as your dry eye's kryptonite. It's time to stop shrugging off the discomfort and start living life with the clear, hydrated vision you deserve. Especially when help is so accessible and just a click away.

As your friendly neighborhood eye-care enthusiasts, we're here to give you the lowdown and the solution all in one fell swoop.


So you're ready to bid farewell to dry eye symptoms for good? Awesome! Here's the deal: reach out to us for a fast and easy online doctor's appointment to ensure the iTEAR100 is right for you. Got your prescription? Perfect! Let's get that life-changer in the mail and on its way to your eager hands.

Remember, when it comes to eye comfort, there's no time like the present. Travel should be about enjoying the journey, not enduring it.

Stop Your Dry Eye Now.

You're here because you have eye irritation or dryness, right? Well, you can stop having that problem. The iTear100 stops your dry eye in just seconds per use, AND you'll need it less as you use it! Visit to learn more!

There you have it, my fellow wanderers of the world. Thank you for coming on this wild ride through the wonders of eye hydration and learning about the magic that is the iTEAR100 device. Now that you're armed with the knowledge and know-how to tackle dry eye head-on, there's no telling what sights you'll see.

For all your travel-savvy folks out there, remember that a journey is best measured in friends and clear views, not miles. And with the iTEAR100, it's easier than ever to ensure those views are as crisp and as tear-filled as can be. So, what are you waiting for? Go explore and let the iTEAR100 take care of those beautiful peepers of yours.


Every adventure deserves a clear view, and with the iTEAR100, you're all set to dive into your next travel escapade without missing a single stunning detail. It's time to bid adieu to dry eye woes and embrace the freedom of hydrated, happy eyes.

Your journey toward eye comfort is just a touch away. Don't let another trip go by with anything less than the best vision you can have.


Whether you're about to conquer the skies or are just looking for daily comfort, the iTEAR100 is here for you-every step, flight, and glance of the way. It's like having a personal eye hydration assistant that fits right in your pocket.

This isn't just about eye care; it's about lifestyle-adaptive solutions that meet you where you're at, even at 35,000 feet.


For any queries or to scoop up your very own iTEAR100, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our line of sight is always on providing you